League of Legends: Akali's upcoming rework has been LEAKED on YouTube

We knew that Riot have been working on Akali's rework for quite sometime and now we have been given a full look at her new kit as a video leaked online.

YouTuber and Akali main Professor Akali play-tested Akali at Riot's HQ and was allowed to capture gameplay. He uploaded the video as unlisted but included it in a playlist, letting others find it.

Akali stays true to her roots as a bursty assassin with ridiculous mobility and outplay potential. She has a new and improved shroud which could have a huge impact on the game.

Scroll down for a full breakdown of her new kit

Akali's rework has leaked and fully showcases her new kit packed with mobility and burst

Akali's rework has leaked and fully showcases her new kit packed with mobility and burst

Akali's rework has leaked and fully showcases her new kit packed with mobility and burst

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Her new shroud is a large cloud of smoke which grows larger the longer it lasts. While inside the smoke, Akali has invisibility which can't be broken by anything – not even turrets or the fountain laser.

And when combined with her new E, Akali can dash back to the shroud from any range (if used quickly enough). The ability will undeniably strong when used in the right hands, but it has a couple of drawbacks compared to her old shroud.

The ability no longer gives her a dash or slows enemies plus it gives much less movement speed (100% -> 20%) and lasts five seconds now instead of eight.

Her new kit, designed by CertainlyT, is wonderfully fluid with all of her abilities complimenting each other. Akali looks difficult but incredibly fun – it's going to be amazing to see what pro players and Akali one tricks can do when she's fully released.

Passive – Assassin's mark:

Akali's new passive marks enemies with a circle, Akali's next AA has bonus range and damage

Akali's new passive marks enemies with a circle, Akali's next AA has bonus range and damage

Akali's new passive marks enemies with a circle, Akali's next AA has bonus range and damage

Hitting an enemy champion with any of your abilities leaves a circle around them. Once you leave that circle, your next auto-attack has extra range, deals a hefty chunk of bonus magic damage and restores 10 energy.

Q – Five Point Strike:

Akali throws out five blades which deal physical damage, it can also slow and heal Akali

Akali throws out five blades which deal physical damage, it can also slow and heal Akali

Akali throws out five blades which deal physical damage, it can also slow and heal Akali

Deals AoE damage by throwing out blades in a cone, enemies caught by the tip of the ability are slowed. If this is cast at full energy, Akali gains a large heal and when fully maxed, her Q will deal more damage to monsters and minions to help her wave clear.

W – Twilight Shroud:

Akali's new shroud is extremely powerful, granting invisibility that even towers can't break

Akali's new shroud is extremely powerful, granting invisibility that even towers can't break

Akali's new shroud is extremely powerful, granting invisibility that even towers can't break

Akali drops a spreading shroud of smoke for five seconds which gives her invisibility and gives her a 20% movement speed boost. Nothing can reveal her during this move, not even Lee Sin's Q, control wards or turrets.

The smoke expands throughout the duration and will last slightly longer if Akali exits and re-enters invisibility. The ability also has no energy cost but instead, restores 40 energy. 

E – Shuriken Flip:

Akali flips backwards and throws a shuriken, if it hits or lands in her shroud she can dash there

Akali flips backwards and throws a shuriken, if it hits or lands in her shroud she can dash there

Akali flips backwards and throws a shuriken, if it hits or lands in her shroud she can dash there

Akali performs a back flip while sending out a shuriken in the opposite direction which deals physical damage. If that shuriken hits an enemy or lands in her Twilight Shroud, she can recast her E to dash to where it landed from any distance.

The backflip can go over walls and small terrain – conveniently you flip just far enough to step outside of her passive which can lead to a lethal combination.

R – Perfect Execution:

Her ultimate gives Akali two dashes with no costs. The first stuns and the second executes

Her ultimate gives Akali two dashes with no costs. The first stuns and the second executes

Her ultimate gives Akali two dashes with no costs. The first stuns and the second executes

Gives Akali two dashes which don't require a target. The first dash briefly briefly stuns and deals physical damage to any targets hit. The second dash executes with magic damage, dealing extra damage depending on how much health the target is missing.


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