League of Legends: Brasil estreia com duas vitórias no Rift Rivals

The Enemy / Omelete Group
League of Legends: Brasil estreia com duas vitórias no Rift Rivals
The Enemy / Omelete Group
O CBLoL venceu duas de suas quatro partidas no primeiro dia do Rift Rivals, o torneio de regiões rivais em League of Legends apelidado de "Libertadores do LoL". KaBuM e Vivo Keyd, as representantes do cenário brasileiro, estrearam com uma vitória e ...
League of Legends | Primeiro dia de Rift Rivals é acirradoJovem Nerd Newsalle 11 nieuws

Dot Esports
Tuesday's hotfix made Aatrox OP before it was immediately reverted
Dot Esports
The "new year new me" Aatrox went from pretty underwhelming to flat-out OP overnight following Tuesday night's hotfix to League of Legends Patch 8.13. The irony of the situation is that Aatrox was directly hotfixed on June 27, buffing his primary ...

WP SportoweFakty
League of Legends: Europa zmierzy się z Ameryką w ramach Rift Rivals
WP SportoweFakty
Wejdź na TYPER.WP.PL i obstawiaj wyniki meczów MŚ! Tour Stop Italy już w najbliższy weekend. Rift Rivals to seria turniejów, które odbywają się w lipcu danego roku, począwszy od 2017. Rozgrywki podzielone są na podstawie regionów, które będą ze ...

Gentside gaming
League of Legends : Rengar et Ivern détruisent la soloQ
Gentside gaming
Ce duo fait un tel massacre, qu'il a même été testé en partie professionnelle ! Récemment testé en LMS. La surprise était grande, il y a deux semaines en LMS (ligue chinoise) : l'équipe Snake Esports a combiné Rengar et Ivern. Ivern était joué support, ...

Esport - League of Legends : au Rift Rivals, l'Europe veut prendre sa revanche
La deuxième édition du Rift Rivals, qui verra s'opposer les trois meilleures équipes européennes et américaines lors du segment de printemps sur League of Legends, démarre ce jeudi soir (21h30) à Los Angeles. L'Europe a une revanche à prendre.en meer »

Unicorns of Love Hire New League of Legends Analyst
VPEsports (press release)
The Unicorns of Love League of Legends team are strengthening their coaching staff. The team announced today via Twitter that they have hired Jean-Francois "Nuddle" Caron as their League of Legends analyst. Unicorns! Please give a warm welcome our ...

Bleeding Cool News
A Recent League of Legends Esports Trade Stirs Up Player Concerns
Bleeding Cool News
A phrase that we often tell people about esports as an industry is simply this: If you want it to become as big as a pro-sport, you have to treat it and act like it's a ...en meer »

New Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro Arrive in League of Legends Patch 8.14 PBE Update
New versions of Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro arrived Tuesday as part of the latest PBE update ahead of League of Legends Patch 8.14. The newly re-tooled vision runes reach ​League of Legends as a result of ​low usage rates combined with low ...

League of Legends Patch 8.13 Hotfix Targets Marksmen, Nocturne and Taliyah
An hotfix to League of Legends Patch 8.13, released Tuesday, includes a bevy of balance changes targeting primarily marksman champions in addition to Nocturne, Taliyah, Aatrox, Stormrazor, Brawler's Gloves and Zeal. As part of ​League of Legends' ...

Dot Esports
There's a big problem with this year's League of Legends patches
Dot Esports
If you've had trouble keeping up with the patches during the eighth season of League of Legends, don't worry, you're not alone. This season has had some of the most frequent, dramatic changes that the game has seen in such a short period of time.

League of Legends' Warding Runes Are Changing
Updated versions of two of League of Legends' ward-focused runes have been added to the PBE to make them more attractive choices. The two runes are Zombie Ward and Ghost Poro, runes that are found in the Domination rune path right alongside Eyeball ...

League of Legends : Riot repousse encore le mode Clash
Plusieurs fois reporté, le mode Clash pour League of Legends semblait bel et bien en approche après plusieurs tests effectués, et réussis, ces dernières semaines. Cependant Riot Games a annoncé un nouveau report du mode, et il faudra s'armer de ...
Solary organise son propre tournoi League of LegendsMillenium
League of Legends : Il va falloir être (très)

Dot Esports
So you want to gold funnel in League of Legends
Dot Esports
One of the hands-down, most-irritating playstyles you can scrounge up in solo queue or watch on the pro stage in the current League of Legends meta is gold funneling. You've probably heard the term so much by now that it's starting to sound more like a ...

TyC Sports
League of Legends: Riot Games retrasa la salida de Clash
TyC Sports
Los jugadores de League of Legends tendrán que esperar un tiempo para poder jugar en Clash, el nuevo modo competitivo que había lanzado Riot Games. La compañía informó que existieron problemas en algunas regiones y decidió tomarse un tiempo ...
Dota 2 superó a League of Legends: Twitch reporta que Valve es el rey de los eSportsDiario Depor
Riot retrasa el modo Cla

Gentside gaming
League of Legends : Nocturne a un nerf de prévu, le premier depuis six ans
Gentside gaming
Si cela se confirme, Nocturne mettrait un terme à sa longue série sans aucun nerf ! Les dégâts de Nocturne sont visés. Alors que d'un côté, certains ADC ont un buff de prévu sur le prochain patch, histoire d'éviter qu'ils ne disparaissent totalement de ...

Infosecurity Magazine
Lessons from League of Legends Part 1: The Weakness of Strengths
Infosecurity Magazine
I remember the first time I did terribly on a champion (player-controlled character) I was pretty good at. Granted, it was late at night and I had spent a few more hours than I should have grinding the game, but either way playing badly doesn't feel good.

How Riot keeps League of Legends fans hooked year-round | Abacus
Rift Rivals kicked off this week, as 42 teams in five cities around the globe battle for bragging rights in their region. Started just last year, it's one of League of ...en meer »